
Women's Ministry

At Gloria Dei we encourage and equip women to grow in Christ, serve in love and share their faith with those around them. Get connected through Bible studies, weekend hikes, special events or one of our casual meet & greets!

Email Renee Page to Learn More

Bible Studies

Study the Word with other women who want to go deeper in their faith! Women's Bible Studies are held Wednesday mornings and evenings. Our 2024 Fall schedule kicks off on September 11th with a potluck brunch and classes will begin on Sep. 18th. 

The 2024 Fall schedule will kick off on September 11th with a potluck brunch and classes will begin Sep. 18th. Classes are held on Wednesday mornings from 9-11am. All classes meet in LC210/212 for opening prayer before dispersing to separate classrooms. Ladies can choose from two classes:

LifeLight Study - James and Jude. This study include topics of dealing with trials & temptations, taming the tongue, dealing with conflict, patience, contending for the truth, and many more. This class is led by Kathie Stocker and will meet in LC210/212.

Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer. This study is meant to help us see God's handiwork in our lives even, and especially, when things are not going the way we planned. This class is led by Renee Page and will meet in LC214/216. Study Guides can be ordered through several resources and range in price from $7.99 (pre-owned) to $24.99 (with video access). Here is a LINK to order a pre-owned copy through AbeBooks. Here is a LINK to order a new copy through Amazon. You can also try Thriftbooks.com, Walmart.com or SecondSale.com to order a cheaper copy. Email Renee is you want to order a copy through the church for $25.

To be added to the email distribution list please contact Beth Hranicky.


The evening class is currently on break for the summer and will resume in September. More details to come.

WBS Fall Kick-off Brunch

Join us on September 11th from 9-11am in the Life Center for our annual kick-off brunch! Our annual potluck brunch is a great way to meet other women, listen to a guest speaker, enjoy fabulous food, and hear about the Wednesday Morning Bible Studies being offered this fall. No obligation to join a Bible Study Class - just come and learn about WBS! Classes begin Sept 18th. Hope to see you there!

Questions? Contact Renee Page or Beth Hranicky

Weekly Encouragement

We all need encouragement! That's why we send a Text Message of Encouragement each week to women reminding them how big our God is and how much He loves us! To receive this message as a text on your phone, contact Renee Page.

Lord, may I not just look, but may I carefully observe the needs around me. May I not just pray, but may I seek the ways You call me to help.

Upcoming Events

More events you may enjoy
Homeless Mat Ministry

Help us make plastic mats for the homeless! Learn how to prepare plastic bags that will be crocheted into mats for the homeless. You do NOT need to know how to crochet to participate - there are plenty of ways to help! Group meets on the first Thursday of each month from 9am-12pm in the Gloria Dei Life Center. For more information contact Jan Reister at 281-682-8310.

Widows Walk with God

Widows Walk with God is support group for widows. Ladies will be connected with a group leader who will reach out to them at least once per month. Small groups meet monthly and the entire Widows Walk group will get together once per quarter. If interested, please contact Judy Staliwe.

Full Calendar of Events

Discipleship Adventures

Day Adventures

The trip to High Island in April was so much fun we want to plan another trip soon! Keep checking back for more details on a potential trip to Goats on the Bayou/Brazos Bend State Park later this year. Contact Lori Knutson for additional details and/or to be added to her email distribution list.

For more information contact Lori Knutson.

Weekend Adventures

Women's Discipleship Adventure weekends are planned each year for camping, hiking and time outdoors in God's creation! Weekend trips include amazing fellowship and a devotion.  A short trip for the fall is being discussed Contact Lori Knutson to be added to the WDA email distribution list. All women are invited to join. Physical exertion level for weekend activities is moderate to difficult unless otherwise stated in the registration. 

Saturday Walk-n-Talk  - Oct 5th @ 8am

Mark your calendar for the next Walk-n-Talk on Saturday, October 5th at 8am in Texas City. Meet at Anchor Park (800 Bay Street N, Texas City) and look for the gazebo by the playground equipment. Gather at 8am for prayers and we'll hit the trail about 8:10am. Keep an eye on the weather as it's always a bit cooler by the water. If anyone is interested we can grab coffee/tea or a light breakfast in town after the walk.

For more information contact Lori Knutson.

Camping & Hiking Adventures

An adventure is being discussed. We have high hopes for a trip in Fall 2024 so keep checking back for more details! If you are an experienced hiker who could potentially co-lead a trip with Lori, please reach out to her.

Contact Lori Knutson with any questions. 

Get Connected


Joining our Facebook group is a great way to stay connected to other women! Find us at GDLC Women.

Text Message of Encouragement

Download the Remind app or text the group code "@gdlcw" to 81010 to receive an encouraging text message each week.