Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study


Women of all ages are invited to dive into a morning of Scripture & study. Join us for opening and announcements from 9-9:30am in LC 210/212 each morning. Women can choose one of the following studies for the Fall. Classes begin Sep. 18th.

LifeLight Study - James and Jude. This study include topics of dealing with trials & temptations, taming the tongue, dealing with conflict, patience, contending for the truth, and many more. This class is led by Kathie Stocker and will meet in LC210/212.

Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer. This study is meant to help us see God's handiwork in our lives even, and especially, when things are not going the way we planned. This class is led by Renee Page and will meet in LC214/216. Study Guides can be ordered through several resources and range in price from $7.99 (pre-owned) to $24.99 (with video access). You can try, or to order a cheaper copy. Email Renee is you want to order a copy through the church for $25.

Event Coordinator Renee Page

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