Giving at Gloria Dei

We encourage all of those who are part of our Church family to give—not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us.

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    Sign up for an information gathering if you cannot make the Awareness Forum.


    Below is information explaining the details of our Capital Campaign within the newsletters and case statement.

    Below are our Bible studies that go along with the Capital Campaign. The Blessed and Blessing Bible study has an October 1 registration deadline.

    Important Dates to Remember

    Awareness Forum

    September 22 | 5-7pm | Chapel
    September 29 | 9:45-10:45am | Chapel

    Gloria Dei is Embarking upon the IMMEASURABLY MORE capital campaign this Fall. We believe God is calling us on a journey to expand our ministry and deepen our community outreach so that MORE people will live life with Jesus every day! Join us at the Awareness Forum to learn about the campaign. Pastor Kieschnick will be teaching on 2 Corinthians 8-9.

    If you cannot make the first one, a second meeting covering the same information will be happening the following Sunday, September 29. You DO NOT need to go to both meetings.

    Campus Prayer Walk

    September 24 | 4-6pm | Gloria Dei Campus

    Join us for a Campus Prayer Walk! Everyone is invited to come and pray over our existing facilities and future expansions. A list of suggestions will be provided to guide you in seeking God’s favor, protection, direction, and multiplication for the future of Gloria Dei. This is a come-and-go style event. The entire campus and grounds will be open for you to walk and pray and the Chapel will be available for those who choose to sit and pray.

    Vision Sunday September 29

    Mountain Mover Prayer Workshop

    October 4-5 | Friday 6-8:30pm, Saturday 8:30am-2pm | Life Center

    Prayer is a conversation with God, but it is also so much more. Join our two-day Mountain Mover Prayer Workshop to expand your prayer life. Attendees will hear topics such as: purpose in prayer, how beliefs affect our prayers, speaking God's Truth, and praying boldly without arrogance. 

    Food will be provided both days and participants will receive a workbook to be used during each session. Participants will NOT be asked to pray out loud.

    Cost is $25/person or groups can reserve an entire table for $20/person. The workshop is open to anyone who wants to rediscover prayer - men, women, small groups, prayer teams and more!

    Find out more and register here by October 3.

    Commitment Celebration Oktoberfest October 27

    Give Thanks Sunday November 24

    What is the IMMEASURABLY MORE Capital Campaign?

    The IMMEASURABLY MORE campaign is a 3.5 year stewardship campaign that we pray will be a life-changing journey we will take together. It has been our prayer that, through this campaign, we will experience the depth, breadth, and height of God's Grace, love, beauty, and power as we get closer to Him. We believe God is leading us to initiate this capital campaign to help MORE people live life with Jesus every day!

    IMMEASURABLY MORE also focuses on the following areas:

    • Ministry Expansion
    • Opportunity for Growth
    • Reaching Our Community
    • Equipping Disciples

    What is our Vision?

    This campaign aims to invest in Gloria Dei's future for our kids, students, and families, enhancing their faith and navigating through a changing culture. We seek to expand our venue to better disciple and equip families to live out their calling as followers of Jesus and impact their communities for His kingdom. Imagine everyone at Gloria Dei fully understanding and living out being fully alive in God's grace, sharing that with their surrounding neighbors and community!

    What is the goal of IMMEASURABLY MORE?

    We want to raise $5.5 million over the next 3.5 years, which will be split between the following areas:

    • 10% External Missions
    • 10% Debt Reduction
    • 80% Ministry expansion updates

    Bible verse for IMMEASURABLY MORE

    Rather than being a random phrase, the "IMMEASURABLY MORE" wording in our capital campaign  comes from a New Testament Bible verse.

    "Now to Him who is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21 NIV