
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit - Matthew 28:19

As Lutheran Christians, we believe that Baptism is a Sacrament— meaning, a sacred act. This is not something we do; it is something God does for us. Baptism is more than a sign of our belief, although that is certainly demonstrated therein, but it is more. It means the Holy Spirit works faith in the heart of the individual and God promises His steadfast love. Through the waters of Baptism, God calls us His beloved and redeemed people. For this reason, we believe adults, children and infants can all be baptized and receive God's promise of faith, forgiveness and life everlasting!

We developed the Baptism Class to help parents, and their children, learn more concerning what we believe about baptism and faith formation in the home. If you desire for your infant or child to be baptized, or if you have not been baptized and would like to be, or desire to learn more about baptism, please sign up for our next Baptism Class. 

Upcoming Baptism Classes:

October 20, 2024