Bible Study: Paul's Jerusalem Offering and Our Stewardship

The story of the Jerusalem Offering shows how God can do "immeasurably more" (Ephesians 3:20-21) when we come together in generosity. In Acts 4:32-37 and 6:1-7, we see believers sharing what they had, trusting God to provide for everyone’s needs. When tough times hit Jerusalem, the early church stepped up, gathering an offering to support their brothers and sisters (Acts 11:19-30).

As Paul traveled in Acts 18:23-20:3, he invited churches to be a part of something bigger—believing that God could multiply their gifts in ways they couldn't even imagine. 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, 2 Corinthians 8-9, and Romans 15:23-32 show that giving is about more than just money—it’s about making a lasting spiritual impact.

You have the opportunity to be part of that same spirit of generosity today. Just as God worked through the early church, He can work through you to make a difference beyond what you can see.

Led by Richard Zalesak.

Event Coordinator Jason Phelps

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