Develop Your Character


Jesus has sent His Spirit to help you become like Him. 

God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son.  Romans 8:29

Becoming like Jesus is God's purpose for your life, and one of the greatest sources for living Fully Alive. 

Developing Character = Increased Godly Intimacy

As you develop the Character of Jesus, you will naturally grow in your capacity for meaningful Intimacy with God and others. 

Develop Your Character will help you understand the blueprint for growing in character. What godly character is, how character is formed, and how our character development can remain steady in spite of life's many challenging circumstances.

  • Week 1:  Character: Becoming Like Jesus
  • Week 2:  Fruit: The Result of Abiding, Not Striving 
  • Week 3:  Habits: Rhythms for Abiding With Jesus
  • Week 4:  Listening & Following: The Lab of Transformation
  • Week 5:  Bible Engagement: Transformation Starts In the Mind

Develop Your Character uses this powerful book.

The Life You've Always Wanted by John Ortberg offers modern perspectives on the ancient path of the spiritual disciplines. But it is more than just a book about things to do to be a good Christian. It's a road map toward true transformation that starts not with the individual but with the person at the journey's end--Jesus Christ.

Develop Your Character uses the Proverbs Bible Reading Plan.

The Book of Proverbs is full of godly wisdom, the ability to see and engage life as God prescribes. Solomon, the wisest King of Israel, shares wisdom from the golden years of his life. Solomon explains how our character influences our approach to business, money, ambition, discipline, family, and politics, making it a perfect reading plan to Develop Your Character.

The Flow of the Sessions: 

  • Read the assigned chapters prior to the group huddle.
  • Engage the reflection questions.  
  • Complete the bible engagement exercise. 
  • Share your responses with two or three others. 
  • Advance to the next session.

Access course content on Fully Alive App here. Facilitated by Jason Phelps, Discipling Director.


Event Coordinator Jason Phelps

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