
GriefShare Facilitator

Lead a 13-week class that helps people work through their grief. Sessions are offered twice a year.


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Not Sure Where to Serve?

No problem. Reach out to us with your questions, and we'll help you get connected.

Help Me!

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others. 1 Peter 4:10

We are always mindful that we are living in the presence of the risen Christ. This mindfulness prompts us to ask questions. “What is God doing in this situation? How is God directing me? How might I be helpful right now?” There are many serving opportunities at Gloria Dei, and beyond, to fit your giftedness, passion, experiences and availability. You will be blessed as you serve others.

How do I get started?

If you are ready to get started, or if you have questions, please email Pastor Randy. He will help you to identify the best place for you to serve, considering your schedule and availability, your interests and what the current needs are at Gloria Dei.

What if I don't have any special skills?

Most of our volunteer positions don't require special skills, other than a willingness to serve. For those opportunities that require special skills, training is provided.

What if it's not a good fit?

No problem. Just let your ministry leader know, and we can plug you into another area.

I'm Ready to Serve