Day One Christian Academy
After 40 Years, Day One Christian Academy continues to provide a quality, early childhood education, through developmentally appropriate and Christ-centered curriculum, in an atmosphere of Christian love and grace. There are many opportunities to volunteer and share your time, talents, knowledge and love of Jesus, directly benefiting the students and faculty.
- Accreditation - after 20 years of National Accreditation, Day One is in the process of a self-study report to begin the next cycle of Lutheran Accreditation. To be successful it is crucial to involve parents, members of the congregation and community throughout the process.
- Community Helper - guest speakers to present their job experiences with the children.
- Class Helper - assist with individual pictures, hearing and vision screenings.
- Outdoor Chapel & Playgrounds - planting flowers, weeding, and watering flowerbeds.
- Library - guest readers may share storybooks to the various classrooms.
- Office Help - organizing, filing and inputting computer data.