Start Multiplying Disciples

For those want to become more effective at making disciples 

If someone asked you: "How do you make disciples?" What would your answer be? Do you even know where to start? Disciple-making is a long obedience in the same direction that involves intentionality, direction, community, partnering with Jesus in His mission, obedience, and mobilizing people to live out their God-given unique design to influence the world. The journey we take people on needs to be reproducible at every level so that a movement of disciple-making might take place. Imagine four generations of disciple-makers on several different strands of your disciple-making "family tree" impacting the world where we live, work, learn, and play by making the realities of heaven a reality on earth.

Disciple-Maker Pathway (8 Sessions)

The Pathway is an eight-session journey created for everyday followers of Jesus who want to become more effective in making disciples. The journey centers around 7 Big Ideas that we believe will give you a new freedom and joy as you serve others in this way.

Sessions 1-3 bring clarity to what it means to live Fully Alive. 

Sessions 4 & 5 will provide inspiration, permission, and strategies for keeping Fully Alive the “main thing” in your disciple-making efforts.   

Sessions 6-8 provide simple and practical plans for identifying and developing others to team up with you in helping others live Fully Alive. 

How long does the Pathway Take? 

That is completely up to you. The ideal frequency is to do it weekly, especially if you are doing it as a group. But, it can be completed quicker or it can be done monthly. You set the schedule.

What is the flow of each session? 

Each session will include a bible engagement exercise, a training video, an occasional assessment, huddle questions, personal reflection questions, and additional resources. The huddle questions are designed to create conversation around the things learned and experienced in the “pre-huddle” elements. The huddles are designed for groups, but can be used by individuals as well. Simply use them as additional reflection questions.   

Why is the DM Pathway So Important?

1. We are in dire need of a clear, motivating, and unifying definition of what is means to be a disciple. 

2. Our world needs 100% of Jesus’ Followers living the best life Jesus offers. 

3. Jesus changed the world by using the disciple-making methods we share in the Pathway. 

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