
Living Fully Alive in God's Grace

Making disciples who make disciples who make disciples is our commission as followers of Jesus, as sons and daughters of God. In fact it’s not only our mission, but our birthright. Multiplying missional disciples with Christ-like character and a clear calling is how we make a kingdom impact where the things that are true in heaven become true right here, right now. We believe that Jesus came to give us a fully alive life (John 10:10) in a world where the enemy is continually trying to kill, steal, and destroy. We want to be a church where we are not just making converts that volunteer and serve, but a church that is being equipped to be leaders on mission where they live, work, learn, and play. Leaders who make this world a better place in their own unique way is what we are after that we might help more people live life with Jesus everyday.

I Want to Take My Next Best Step!

MyImpact Equation5 Essential Ingredients of an Intentional Disciple-making EnvironmentWhat is a Disciple?Missional Minutes

A simple equation for making a kingdom impact: 

character x calling = impact

The MyImpact Equation: Character X Calling = Impact.

Intimacy is how relationships work in heaven. Intimacy grows as you grow in character.

Influence is how power is used in heaven. Influence grows as you grow in calling.

Impact is Jesus, through you, making life on earth “as it is in heaven.” 

Five Essential Ingredients of an Intentional Disciple-making Environment:

IDE Intentional Disciple-Making Environment

We seek to be intentional about our efforts in making disciples who make disciples and we have found these five ingredients are essential to creating an environment where disciples are actually made. The environment/group is OUTCOME FOCUSED, which means our primary goal is spiritual development; becoming more like Jesus in our character and activating our masterpiece mission through our personal calling. It is HABIT FUELED, which means we are self-feeders and self-leaders. It is CONTENT FLAVORED, which means scripture is still the inerrant and life-giving Word of God, but it becomes transformational rather than just informational when it helps develop our character and calling. It is COMMUNITY FORGED, which means we can't do this alone. We need genuine and securely attached relationships to win with accountability and move forward with our masterpiece mission. It is MISSION FIXATED, which means we are passionate about blessing the world and making a kingdom impact where we live, work, learn, and play. We are constantly asking, "Jesus, what are you doing around me and how can I join you?"

I Want to Take My Next Best Step!

How do we at Gloria Dei define what a disciple is and does? We believe a disciple of Jesus Christ is one who is living fully alive in God's grace, which means we are:
Seeking Christ First in All Things

Disciples seek Jesus Christ and His kingdom first above all things. We believe Jesus is the Word of God, He is Lord of all, and He is reigning over His kingdom, of which we are a part. He is the center of our life. Jesus' life was not just prescriptive or descriptive for our life as a disciple, but definitive. His life provides the complete, final, and perfect model for our own life as we imitate His words, works, and ways. We ask the question: "Who would Jesus be if He were you?" - Dallas Willard. (John 1:1, Matthew 6:33, 1 Corin. 11:1, Matthew 22:37, Colossians 3:1)

Obedient to God's Calling for My Life

Disciples know who and whose they are and it is from this identity that we love Jesus and glorify God through our obedience to Him. God has gifted us an identity as His sons and daughters through the work of the Holy Spirit and it is from this gift that we respond in love through obedience. Jesus tells us that if we love Him then we will obey His commands. Through Him, we have all been created with a unique design and calling as we are called his masterpieces. The good news is that our obedience far outweighs our competence for God can accomplish His work through us when we are simply obedient. (John 14:15, Ephesians 2:10, 2 Peter 1:10, John 15:16, 2 Thess. 1:11-12, John 17:4)

Loving and Serving Others

Disciples love God, each other, and serve their neighbors as they become an incarnational presence of Jesus where they live, work, and play. Serving others is a great thing, and there are plenty of opportunities to do so in our society today. But, it is the love of Jesus pouring through us as His disciples that sets apart our service of others. When we love and serve, we bring a piece of heaven to earth; wrong things are being made right. Jesus set the example of serving and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, so we do the same. (Mark 12:30-31, Luke 10:1, John 13:1-17)

Devoted to God's Word

Disciples are devoted to God's Word as they intently listen for His voice in community. We see God’s Word, the Bible, as the primary truth in our lives. We seek to grow in understanding it and living it out. We abide each day in Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead us on a life of mission. (Mark 12:30-31, John 10:27, John 14:15, Acts 2:42, Mark 3:35, Gal. 5:25)

disciple at gloria dei

Resources for Discipleship & Mission

Fully Alive Community

Join "Fully Alive" Gloria Dei Group
At Your Own Pace or With a Group

In order to help you take a next step in your discipleship journey, we want to give you access to exploring more about living the fully alive life in a community where others are doing the same. There are several experiences for you to join in this group and even lead with a few friends! "Fully Alive" provides online courses (we call them Experiences) that help you live more Fully Alive through Jesus. Our experiences are meaningful whether you are newly spiritually curious or a seasoned follower of Jesus. Click the link below to join. Once joined, click the DISCOVERY link on the left sidebar and complete the WELCOME CHECKLIST. Download the Fully Alive App on: Apple App Store | Google Play 

Click to Join Fully AliveQuestions? Email Jason

Fully Alive E-Book

Read "Fully Alive" E-book
On Your Own

Fully Alive looks to the over-arching story of the Christian Bible to understand and answer two of life's most haunting questions. The first question is, "Am I truly love-able?" The second, "Will my life matter?"

Where do these questions stem from? Why do these questions influence our emotions and behaviors so significantly? Is it wrong to have these yearnings, or are these yearnings an invitation to reconsider what it means to pursue Jesus?

In John 10:10, Jesus says He came so that we might have life and have it to the full. Fully Alive has been written to help you understand what it means to live Fully Alive, why it is so difficult to attain the sense of living Fully Alive, and how to take steps toward that life..

Get My Copy of Fully Alive!Questions? Email Jason

Start BLESSing People & Discover Your Mission!
Personal or Group Training Resource

As a follower of Jesus, you must know his overall mission before you can discover your part in the mission. We want to introduce you to the five missional practices of Jesus. We are called to model our lives after his: do what he did, and practice what he practiced. Here is a secret we have discovered: these five missional practices (BLESS Rhythms) are both how you do the mission, but also how you discover your own God-given mission for your life. Decide right now that as you learn these five missional practices you will implement them into your life for two reasons: first so that you can follow Jesus’s example in missional living, but secondly so that you can discover the mission for your own life! You will see these BLESS Rhythms woven throughout life at Gloria Dei, both on and off campus.

Download the BLESS Pocket Guide!Questions? Email Jason

Discovery Bible Study
Start Your Own or Join One!

The Discovery Process is the primary method of discipleship in movements around the world. Discovery Bible Studies are simple and reproducible groups that consist of spiritually interested people who read a Bible story together, discover what it says, and then are challenged to immediately live out what they learned and to share it with someone else. The beauty of DBS is that anyone can lead it! If you lead one, you are simply a faithful facilitator providing a structure people to hear the voice of Jesus and respond in obedience. We ask "What is Jesus teaching me? and What will I do about it?"

Learn More About the DBS MethodWatch a VideoQuestions? Email Jason

Sunday Discipleship Hour

In order to equip and train you to grow and live out your faith as a disciple, we have dedicated time on Sunday mornings for engaging with God’s Word in community with age-appropriate ministry environments for kids, students and adults between services from 9:45-10:45am. Sunday morning Discipleship Hour is meant to be a primer catapulting us back into our daily lives as every-day missionaries where we live, work, learn, and play.

Kids & Students Adults

Small Groups
Throughout the Week

Discipleship happens within the context of community and living life together. There is a depth of learning that can only happen when we have people to imitate. The early Church had a rhythm of life together between the temple (Sunday mornings) and the home as they ate together, cared for one another, and met the needs of their community. Small Groups are our primary context for living life together on mission.

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