Bible Studies
Morning Classes | Wednesdays 9:00-11:00am
We gather at 9:00am, and classes are held from 9:30-11:00 am. All classes meet in LC210/212 for opening prayer, updates, and announcements before dispersing to separate classrooms. Ladies can choose from two classes:
LifeLight Study: Ezra and Nehemiah - Kathie Stocker is leading a LifeLight Study on Ezra and Nehemiah in LC210/212. She is an engaging teacher, and you will truly enjoy time in the Word with her and her group. LifeLight's Ezra and Nehemiah study is from the Old Testament at a point in time when Israel is returning from Exile. The people will need to rebuild their lives of worship, prayer, and purity while rebuilding the wall and renewing their covenant by asking God to remember them.
Finding God Faithful, A Study of the Life of Joseph by Kelly Minter - Debbie Baacke is leading us on an eight-week journey that goes all of the way back to Genesis. In this study, we are tracing the path of Joseph's life and observing how God's sovereignty reigns, even in our darkest moments. Through our time together we are learning to recognize when God is working during periods of waiting, trusting God's plan when life does not make sense, and to resting in the sufficiency of His presence in every circumstance. We will emerge from our eight weeks knowing God's provision is enough, His presence is constant, and His purpose is unstoppable.
Books may be purchased from Debbie or through most major booksellers for $22.00. This cost includes both the book and access to all of the videos for the study.
Finding God Faithful will go from March 5th to April 30th with a break on April 16th for Holy Week. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Knutson.
Evening Classes | Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm
When You Pray: A Study of Six Prayers in the Bible - Dixie Russo is leading a wonderful study called When You Pray. Each lesson is a stand-alone session on prayer, so please join in even if you have not attended before. Books may be purchased from most large book retailers. The group meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00pm and is open to all women. Please contact Dixie Russo or Lori Knutson for more information.
Women's Discipleship Adventures (WDA)
Saturday Walk and Talks | Next Walk: May 3rd
You are invited to join us for a Saturday morning of walking and spending time in fellowship and good conversation. We are going to hit the beach one last time before the summer crowds. Grab your favorite beach shoes--or come ready to walk barefoot--and plan to join us on the beach in Galveston for a morning walk.
We will gather on the beach at Beach Access Point 16 off of 13 Mile Road right before Galveston Island State Park and Jamaica Beach. We'll begin to gather at 8:15. At 8:30 we'll join together in prayer and then head out for a stroll and chat. Plan to walk with us for about an hour.
If anyone is interested, we can gather afterward at Seawall Coffee Company (which is just up the road at Cove View Blvd across from Diamond Beach Resort). They are a local small business and serve some of the best java and pastries around.
This is always a special walk and we never who or what we are going to see. God has managed to delight us with a surprise every time we have walked at Galveston. We look forward to seeing you for a stroll on the beach May 3rd! If you have any questions, please reach out to Lori Knutson.
As always, keep walking with the Lord and allow His Word to be a lamp for your feet and a light for your path (Psalm 119:105). See you out on the trails!
Day Away Adventures | Next Day Trip: April 26th
We are planning to visit the Audubon bird sanctuaries at High Island on the morning of April 26. Our visit should fall during the peak of spring migration so we will have an opportunity to look for an amazing array of birds. Nearly 400 species have been documented across the Upper Texas Coast, so there is no telling which birds we might see! Day passes for the sanctuaries can be purchased on-site and are only $10 a person. Our visit will focus on the trails at Smith Oaks Bird Sanctuary. Contact Lori Knutson for more information.
Weekend Adventures | Coming This Spring/Summer
Women's Discipleship Adventure weekends are planned each year for camping, hiking, and time outdoors in God's creation! Weekend trips include amazing fellowship and a devotion. We are planning our next overnight trip for the spring/early summer of 2025. All women are invited. Physical exertion level for weekend activities is moderate to difficult unless otherwise stated in the registration.
Contact Lori Knutson for more information and to be added to the WDA email distribution list.