Women's Bunco Night
Thursday at 6:00 PM
Stephen Ministry is a church-wide caring ministry that equips you to provide one-to-one Christian care to people who are experiencing a life challenge or crisis. Stephen Ministers provide an extension of pastoral care because they are able to reach more people with Christian care than pastors can by themselves.
Stephen Ministers are committed Christian people who:
Express God’s care through their lives to others
Receive 50 hours of initial training in important caring ministry skills including listening, assertiveness and confidentiality.
Are commissioned as Stephen Ministers after completing their initial training
Visit another person regularly and dependably, and offer Christian support and care
Participate in regular support and supervision under the guidance of trained Stephen Leaders
Are committed to preserving the confidential nature of the caring relationship
Serve for at least 2 years
Receive continuing education and skill building throughout their years of service
For more Information about Stephen Ministry, email Pastor Randy Miller.
View the following video testimonies to learn more about the impact of Stephen Ministry.