Student Winter Retreat

High School Middle School

Have you noticed that ads are getting weirder and weirder? Companies spend tons of money on marketing as everyone tries to figure out the next clever way to shout, “THIS IS WHAT I’M ALL ABOUT!” Honestly, we’re no different. We want people to think of us in certain ways: the fun one, the goofy one, or the smart one. It turns out Jesus wants the world to think of Christians in a certain way too.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

Jesus’ words leave no wiggle room; people should recognize us because of our love for one another—because of our unity. Sound cliché? The truth is that living this way isn’t easy. But there’s good news! Jesus has a purpose for our unity, and he holds us together even when it’s hard. When we understand why God calls us to unity and what it looks like, we’ll find a reason to come together that goes beyond our preferences.

Join us for a weekend away at Camp Lone Star where will dive into the reason behind the community God calls us to foster with one another! We will look into some of the roadblocks to community, where our true unity comes from, and how we can be people who create community wherever we go!  There will be time for outdoor activities, group games, and time to relax as we disconnect from the busyness of life.

The cost of the event is $125 and covers everything for the weekend! Plus, you will receive a weekend t-shirt and a small group guide. There is even an option to add a post-retreat Bible study guide  for $6 to your registration. That’s four more weeks of diving into community in devotions, challenges, and growth opportunities!

Transportation is provided to and from camp. Please arrive at church by 5:30pm so that we can pack the vans and leave for camp before 6pm. We will return by 3pm on Sunday. If you have conflicts with the travel times for the weekend due to sports or other activities please email Ross.

Click here to register by January 23rd!

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