Journaling Through Lent
Ladies, all too often we find ourselves arriving in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday wondering if we have truly taken the time to prepare ourselves for Holy Week. This year, let us gather together and take the time to slow down and prepare our hearts and minds for this important 40-day Lenten season.
Ladies are invited to gather on March 1st in the Chat Room from 8:30-10:30am. We will enjoy a light breakfast and fellowship followed by a creative time where we will put together Lenten journals in preparation for our journey. The $10 fee covers breakfast, a journal, and craft supplies as we get ready for the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday.
Please register by February 26th so we can make sure to order enough supplies. If you have any questions, please reach out to Lori Knutson.
Looking forward to spending time with you in preparation for this Lenten journey!